Saturday, January 7, 2012

The project continues into 2012...

'Tis the season for new year's resolutions. 

All around the world, people are scrambling to achieve their newly set goals. They've purchased memberships to gyms, they've bought PX90, they ran to the store to buy some fashionable yoga mat and some meditation music.  They've created budgets, they've applied for passports, they've thrown away chocolate, alcohol, cigarettes, and credit cards.

While I could go into the statistics I've read about less than 50% of those goal setters making it to the 6 month mark, I don't really feel the need to concentrate on the hopeless side of new year's resolutions.  The fact is, there is something in the nature of rolling the calendar over into a new year that symbolizes fresh beginnings for everyone.  Why not take the opportunity to become a better person?

A while back, Katie read an article that indicated that it takes 21 days to form a new habit, and she started this blog as a means of documenting her progress towards developing new habits.  I joined the blog after a conversation we had about our common goal of becoming morning people.  While it's true that I don't feel like I morphed into some incredible morning person over the month of blogging, I do feel as if I made small progress towards a better balanced life.  I also learned a lot about goal setting and have come to appreciate the accountability and support that co-blogging offers.

And so, let the blogging continue!  We're rounding 22 days up to a solid month.  The plan is to concentrate on developing 12 new habits, working on them one at a time, one per month.  we'll try to blog 1-2 times a week and occasionally revisit a previous month's goal and what continued successes or failures we might have had.

My goal for this month, the month of January, is to spend at least 3 hours a week doing something creative, NOT related to work.  Writing, painting, drawing, taking pictures, learning guitar and ukelele, etc.  I hope to post more on this soon.


  1. Go Katie go!

    Middle-aged former cheerleader,


  2. Shelley you are toooo funny! Vickie what's happening on the creative front?
