Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Day 2: 7:47AM

I'm tired and cranky. Getting up was difficult. I shouldn't have stayed up watching The Muppet Movie until 1AM. Also the red wine and gold fish didn't help.

I washed dishes and cleaned up the living room. Then I read the news online which made me mad. The news usually makes me mad.

My throat is scratchy and I feel like I'm getting sick and I'm thinking about taking a nap.

More later.


I stayed awake until 11AM and then... after eating scrambled eggs and watching the Daily Show online... I took a nap. I slept for an hour and missed yoga. But now I feel awesome! So awesome in fact that I think I'll go for a little run.

New things to try to avoid grumpy napping tomorrow:
- No alcohol or snacks after 9:30PM
- Be in bed by 11:30PM tonight

Gloria is not a morning person. She is a cat.

Paul's Complain-o-meter:

During Katie's 27 day odyssey of trying to not be miserable in morning I'm going to periodically offer a secondary perspective on her "progress". Included in each of these posts will be a rating of how much Katie complained that day on a scale of 1-10... the "complain-o-meter". 

In terms of Katie's grumpiness this morning I didn't notice anything out of the ordinary (as compared to other days when she tried to wake up early). There was a smattering of whining and pouting, some humble suggestions from yours truly were ignored and there was a nap.  I think I'll consider today the baseline and submit a "complain-o-meter" rating of 5 - moderate complaining.

1 comment:

  1. YAY! Day 2 done, 25 more to go.

    The complain-o-meter is a great idea! I absolutely love it.
